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Nerd Nite Road Trip

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Nerd Nite Road Trip – 3 September (10am-4pm)
Depart Wagga Cross Street Car Park
Change. We live in a period of unprecedented social, cultural and environmental change. Under our influence, the natural world is changing as never before. Or is it? Discover how change has shaped this continent over time both deep and recent as we explore the nature of the Riverina from a few different perspectives.
Here’s how the day will go down:
The bus will take us from Wagga to Highfield Farms and Woodland. Once there, James Ingram, Riverina Local Land Services officer and Senior Wiradjuri Man, will guide us through traditional life, modern day life and what it’s like to live in both worlds. He’ll be bringing some amazing cultural artefacts from around the Riverina too. Lunch will be provided by Soon Lee Low with ingredients* sourced right from the farm. If you haven’t tasted his food, you’re in for a treat. Beer will be available for purchase from Tumut River Brewing Co. After lunch will head out for a hike** of the property with polymath raconteur Andrew Peters.
*Advise of all allergies
**We’ll hike rain or shine. Be prepared and wear appropriate everything.
10:00am (sharp): Bus to Highfield Farms and Woodland
11:30am: Wiraduri cultural chat with James Ingram
12:15pm: Lunch by Soon Lee Low
1:30pm: Expert guided hike with Andrew Peters
3:00pm: Bus back


Adventure. Knowledge. Food. Booze.